What Is A Block Parent?
A Block Parent is an adult volunteer who has been Police and Block Parent screened, has been trained, and who has received a registered Block Parent Sign. The Block Parent sign is placed in a front facing window of the Block Parent home. The sign indicates that an adult is available to answer the door to a child, or any community member, who needs assistance. The Block Parent can offer assistance by calling a parent, family member or emergency service. The Block Parent sign shows the community that a caring adult is available and that children are encouraged to visit the Block Parent home if they need assistance.
Who May Become A Block Parent?
Any responsible citizen over the age of 18 years who has been screened by the Waterloo Regional Block Parent® Program including Volunteer Canada’s Safe Steps Screening Program and who has obtained a Police Vulnerable Sector Check can become a Block Parent.
Is There Much Work Involved?
No. It will not alter your lifestyle or make demands on your time. When you are at home and able to answer the door to someone requiring assistance, simply display the sign in a window visible from the street. If a child is bothered by a stranger or a bully, is sick or hurt or lost, they know the sign means a “SAFE ADULT” is there to offer help.
How Often Are Block Parent Homes Used?
Some homes may never be used while others will be used several times. Even if a child doesn’t require assistance from a Block Parent, the sign still acts as a powerful tool indicating a concerned Block Parent is there to help; giving the child a sense of security and independence.
I’m Never Home, How Can I Help?
This is the ideal volunteer position for a busy person like yourself. You can provide a valuable service to your community without having to make a special effort to do so. Simply put your sign in the window when you are available.
Do I Have To Let Strangers Into My Home?
No. You you shouldn’t let anyone into your home. You can assist through a screen door or an open window where Information can be exchanged and the appropriate telephone call made. You can encourage the child to seek refuge on your front porch or doorstep while they wait.
When I Take My Sign Down Does That Indicate That We Are Not Home?
A sign removed from view does not necessarily mean that no one is home. There are many times when the volunteer is home, but does not want to be “on duty,” so the sign does not have to be on display.
What Is The Senior Block Parent® Program?
While the Block Parent Program was primarily designed for children, our network of safe homes can also be used by seniors. If a senior feels ill, vulnerable, distressed or lost while in their community, they can simply look for a house displaying the Block Parent sign.